Fla. Governor – “I feel like I’m Bill Murray on ‘Groundhog Day'”
September 24, 2004
Fla. Governor – "I feel like I’m Bill Murray on ‘Groundhog Day’"
September 24, 2004 – Hurricane Jeanne heads toward the northern Bahamas today as forecasters predict possible landfall in Florida by Sunday. This will make the fourth recent hurricane to hit Florida.
"Sometimes it feels like this is a test of resiliency for our state," said Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. "Other times I feel like I’m Bill Murray in ‘Groundhog Day,’" the movie in which the same horrible day is repeated over and over again.
CNN reports that projections show Jeanne cutting through the northern Bahamas on Saturday and then heading straight to Florida. There is a strong chance tropical-storm-force winds could reach the east or east-central coast of Florida by Saturday afternoon and hit the Florida coastline by Sunday morning, weather forecasters said, with winds of up to 115 mph.
One of the projected courses show the storm hitting Melbourne, Fla., as a Category 3 storm with winds up to 115 mph, then curving up the East Coast toward the Carolinas. Other projections show the hurricane cutting straight across Florida from east to west and moving up toward the Panhandle.
Jeanne has already claimed the life of more than 1,100 people in Haiti and some 1,250 people still are missing, six days after the storm hit.
Relief efforts are still underway in many parts of Florida after previous storms, with some highways completely washed out and many still without electricity.