Tuesday Newsletter – July 21, 2009
July 21, 2009
Volume 29, Issue 29
Tuesday’s title sponsor is BusRates.com
Interested in advertising in Tuesday? E-mail Kelley Burchell at kelley.burchell@NTAstaff.com.
How Your Convention Appointments are Scheduled
NTA Supports ASTA in Credit Card Policy Dispute
Audio from Spring Meet Seminars Available
Australia Tops U.S. Traveler Desirability List in Harris Poll
DMOs: Make Sure You’re Receiving Tracking E-mails
For Better Business, Update Your NTA Profile
Berkely Products Can Help Your Bottom Line
Want to be a Tourism Cares Mentor at Convention?
Highly Visible Convention Sponsorship Available: Message & E-mail Center
Promote Your Company in the October Convention Issue of Courier
NTA Job Center: Tourism Cares
How Your Convention Appointments are Scheduled
The appointment scheduling system for Convention ’09 went live last week. This customized technology was created to maximize your appointment opportunities at the Convention. To help you understand how the system schedules your appointments, here is a quick look at its features:
Appointments are scheduled using this hierarchy:
- Perfect matches — in which the supplier/DMO and the operator request each other
- Operator requests — in which the operator requests the supplier/DMO
- Supplier/DMO requests — in which the supplier/DMO requests the operator
Additionally, the number of prescheduled appointments is driven by how many requests you submit, so the more requests you make, the more appointments you’ll get. The final factors that influence scheduling are your registration date and the number of requests your company receives.
The system also builds some free time into your Convention schedule. You can use this time to conduct appointments you’ve added on site or through the Direct Request system, attend seminars and volunteer.
Please contact your NTA Member Services Team at 800.682.8886 (U.S. and Canada) or +1.859.226.4444 with any questions about the system.
NTA Supports ASTA in Credit Card Policy Dispute
On June 19, United Airlines informed an unspecified number of travel agents that they could no longer use credit cards based on United’s merchant accounts. The implementation date for this new policy was scheduled for July 20, but it was delayed due to pressure from industry groups.
In an announcement Friday, United said that it will offer up to 60 days to agencies that ask for the extra time. NTA joined American Society of Travel Agents in its drive to defer this policy, noting that the policy could have a negative impact on tour operators that also serve as agents and could spread quickly to other airlines.
In the Congressional appeal, ASTA noted: "In addition to shifting costs related directly to the price of air travel set by United to travel agencies and their customers, the policy appears to undermine the protections granted to consumers by the federal Fair Credit Billing Act."
NTA President Lisa Simon, CTP, joined ASTA on a news conference July 20 acknowledging NTA’s support on this issue. During the teleconference, she said NTA does not believe the cost of selling the product should fall to the agent or tour operator and their clients.
Updates on this issue will be provided in future issues of Tuesday.
Audio from Spring Meet Seminars Available
The audio recordings from the 2009 NTA Tour Operator Spring Meet educational sessions are now available. This year’s lineup of seminars covered hot industry topics like the economy — including three sessions by Dr. Peter Tarlow — and the inbound market from China. Representatives from NTA strategic partners such as the International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association, Sister Cities International, Sustainable Travel International, Travel Professionals of Color and the World Religious Travel Association led additional sessions.
The audio portion from the seminars can be accessed if you click here. Questions regarding the seminars can be directed to NTA Marketing and Communications Administrative Assistant Andrea Richardson at 800.682.8886, ext. 5019 (U.S. and Canada) or +1.859.425.5019.
In addition to hearing the audio from of educational sessions, you can look at photos from Spring Meet by visiting NTA’s Facebook page or the photo gallery at NTAonline.com.
Australia Tops U.S. Traveler Desirability List in Harris Poll
Results of a Harris Poll of more than 2,100 U.S. adults conducted last month revealed that Australia is the top international travel destination if cost was not a consideration. Italy, which took over the top spot from Australia in 2008, came in second this year, while Great Britain (third), France (fourth) and Ireland (fifth) rounded out the top five.
Germany was the sixth most popular choice, followed by Japan, Greece, New Zealand and Spain. Canada came in at No. 11, and Switzerland (12th), Mexico (13th), Brazil (14th) and Jamaica (15th) claimed the other spots.
Australia and Italy swept the top spots based on age and gender. Italy was the favorite among women, echo boomers (ages 18 to 32), gen Xers (ages 33 to 44) and baby boomers (ages 45 to 63), while Australia was to top choice of men and mature travelers (ages 64 and older).
For more information, visit http://www.harrisinteractive.com/.
DMOs: Make Sure You’re Receiving Tracking E-mails
Did you know that more than 500 e-mails have been sent through NTA’s ROI/Tracking Online System since its launch in late 2008? Make sure that you are receiving e-mails that are sent through this system by putting "tracking@NTAstaff.com" on a white list.
NTA Headquarters has received reports that e-mails were sent successfully but they triggered spam filters and never reached some DMOs. In order to ensure that the valuable information being shared through this system is getting to them, DMO members should touch base with their IT departments and confirm that the tracking e-mail address (tracking@NTAstaff.com) is accepted by their system.
For Better Business, Make Sure Your Profile is Updated
Updating your profile on NTAOnline.com is a quick and easy way to help you make better business connections not only at the NTA Convention, but all year long. Potential business partners can find out about you by searching for your company in NTA’s database, and for tour operators, it is an additional way a potential consumer can find out about the services you offer.
To ensure accurate profile information is coming up in NTA member searches, your profile needs to be as current as possible. To update your NTA profile, click here and follow these simple steps:
- Login by clicking the link in the blue box on the right side, then click "Update Your Profile" from the list in the same box
- Review and update all defining characteristics for your company, then make sure to click "Save"
For more information on updating your membership profile, check out this How To guide.
Recently, NTA enhanced the member profiles to enable you to upload images and your company logo. This can help you increase your online marketing exposure and offers another way you can highlight your destination, attraction or tour product.
Please contact the NTA Member Services Department with any questions at 800.682.8886 (U.S. and Canada) or +1.859.226.4444.
Berkely Products Can Help Your Bottom Line
For more than two and a half decades, The Berkely Group has provided the travel industry with quality insurance products and services. As a long-time NTA Corporate Partner, Berkely has helped U.S.-based association members protect themselves and their clients through its customized travel insurance products.
Tour operators looking to earn additional income should consider the Berkely Travel Protection Plan. Tour operators who offer this plan, which was designed exclusively by and available only to U.S.-based NTA members, can receive up to 35 percent for every sale.
Additionally, NTA tour operator members may qualify for a premium credit by attending risk management educational sessions at the 2009 NTA Convention. The discount comes in addition to the already low rates on Professional Liability coverage members receive. This coverage protects insured companies from claims citing negligence arising out their tour operator operations, and it includes Professional Liability, errors or omissions and General Liability coverage.
For more information on Berkely and other NTA Corporate Partners, click here.
Want to be a Tourism Cares Mentor at Convention?
Tourism Cares is seeking industry professionals who are willing to volunteer to help with its Experience the Industry Student Program at the 2009 NTA Convention. Tour suppliers, DMOs and tour operators can volunteer to serve as mentors for tourism students at Convention in Reno, Nevada, including letting the students sit it during their business appointments at the Tour & Travel Exchange.
Experience the Industry provides a way for students to explore different sectors of the tourism industry and learn more about possible career paths. In order to attend Convention, students must have received a 2009 Tourism Cares Scholarship. This financial aid was provided to those who are pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in travel, tourism or hospitality and is based on their outstanding academic achievement.
To mentor a tourism student at the NTA Convention, please contact Lisa Schmiemann at Tourism Cares.
Highly Visible Convention Sponsorship Available: Message & E-mail Center
NTA’s 2009 Annual Convention in Reno, Nevada, will be the place to be, as you can strike deals with approximately 400 NTA buyers and 250 WRTA buyers. One way you can reach these travel professionals with your message before and during the event is by sponsoring the highly visible Message & E-mail Center for $25,000.
As the exclusive sponsor of the center, you’ll have the opportunity to brand the screen savers on all 22 computers on the show floor and the six computers by the seminar rooms, place your logo on the message center sign-on screen and display your company’s promotional banners and literature. You’ll be placed in a highly visible location on the Convention floor, receive all gold-level benefits and have a presence on the recently launched appointment scheduling Web site from now until October. Also, you can co-sponsor the Message & E-mail Center and make this an even more affordable way to gain great exposure.
All sponsorships are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact NTA Vice President of Sales Karla DiNardo today to brand the Message & E-mail Center with your company’s message. For information on additional sponsorship opportunities and benefits, click here.
Promote Your Company in the October Convention Issue of Courier
The October 2009 Convention issue, which will receive bonus distribution at Convention in Reno, Nevada, is a great way to get your company or destination in front of tour operators at this key buying time.
In addition to providing detailed information about everything coming up at Convention ’09, you will find destination stories on Spain and the U.S. Great Plains states (Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, North Dakota and South Dakota). The month’s travel guides will highlight Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.
Courier is rated the No. 1 valued magazine in the industry by NTA tour operators. Additionally, when tour operators were asked what industry publication they’d want if they could only have one, they named Courier their top choice by 36 percent over the next closest magazine.
The space deadline for the Convention issue is July 28. To reach your account executive for more information, call 800.682.8886, ext. 4241 (U.S. and Canada) or +1.859.226.4241.
NTA Job Center: Tourism Cares
Event Coordinator
Tourism Cares, the official philanthropy of NTA, is accepting applications for the full-time position of Event Coordinator in its Canton, (south suburban Boston) Massachusetts, headquarters. The successful candidate will possess superior organization and communication skills, both verbal and written, proficiency in MSOffice (Excel, Word and Outlook) and the ability to multi-task with exceptional attention to detail. This friendly and enthusiastic person will work in concert with the Tourism Cares event team to ensure the smooth operation of all fundraising and give-back events. A significant amount of travel is required. The desire to work closely with a group of highly motivated and dedicated staff members is a must. A detailed job description will be furnished upon request. Please submit resumes to info@tourismcares.org.