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Tuesday Newsletter

August 21, 2007

Tuesday Newsletter Aug. 21, 2007
Volume 27: Issue 34

This issue of Tuesday is sponsored by National City Bank. National City’s Travel Funds Protection Plan is no ordinary protection plan – it’s a "true" escrow program that promotes your company’s professionalism and dependability to the travel agents and consumers you service.
Interested in becoming a Tuesday sponsor? E-mail Karla DiNardo at

Upcoming Web Seminar Can Help You Prepare for Annual Convention
Mancini Educational Session at Convention Geared for Travel Buyers
Wine and Cheese Reception Set for Friday at Convention

Contact Your Legislators on Travel Promotion Act of 2007
Rep. Louise Slaughter, Industry Leaders Slated to Speak at Symposium

National Park Service Turns 91 This Week

NTA is a Resource During Hurricane Season

NTA’s New and Improved CTP Program
Act Fast to Host the 2008 Tourism Cares for America Event
Reach 24,500 Student Travel Planners with NTA Publication
Receive NTA News and Share it with Others
Kudos to Members Who Referred New Members


Upcoming Web Seminar Can Help You Prepare for Annual Convention

How can you better prepare yourself for the NTA Annual Convention in Kansas City? Two sessions of a Convention overview Web seminar will be held to help first-time attendees and those just seeking a refresher. The first presentation takes place Monday, Aug. 27, at 1 p.m. (ET) and the other one is Friday, Aug. 31, at 1 p.m.

On the Web seminar, 2007 NTA Convention Chairman Bob Hofmann will provide you with helpful information, including an explanation of the Tour & Travel Exchange, a "how-to" on conducting business appointments and a rundown of the networking and educational activities available. In addition, there will be plenty of time for questions.

If you would like to register for one of the sessions, e-mail NTA Manager of Member Relations Lori Rempe or call her at 800.682.8886, ext. 3579 (U.S. and Canada) or 859.219.3579.

If you are unable to take part in the Web seminar, NTA will have a recorded version available on, which you can access at your leisure.

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Mancini Educational Session at Convention Geared for Travel Buyers

Dr. Marc Mancini of Marc Mancini Seminars and Consulting will present a special seminar for travel agents and other professional travel buyers Friday, Nov. 2, at the NTA Annual Convention.

"Everything You Wanted to Know about Selling Tours" is designed to help travel buyers understand how to work with tour operators for bigger profits. The session is part of a one-day program on Friday for travel buyers, such as travel agents and bank and educational travel planners.

"Tour operators sell the great majority of their products through travel agents, bank travel planners and other professional buyers," said Mancini. "Yet these travel buyers receive little training on working with tour operators and how to best sell tour packages. The NTA Convention presents a prime opportunity to connect agents and tour operators, and to show how both can benefit from such a partnership."

In addition to Mancini’s seminar, the special day of activities includes the Buyer-to-Buyer Exchange and the The Destination Pavilion. For more information, call NTA Headquarters at 800.682.8886 (U.S. and Canada) or 859.226.4444 or e-mail

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Wine and Cheese Reception Set for Friday at Convention

One of the more recent additions to the NTA Annual Convention is the Wine and Cheese Reception. The third installment of this increasingly popular event, sponsored by The Berkely Group, will be held Friday, Nov. 2, from 4 to 5:45 p.m.

The reception will take place on the mall floor an hour after things at the Destination Pavilion get underway. Members will have a chance to browse the floor and do some informal networking, while enjoying California cheese and wines from North Carolina, Virginia, Illinois, South Dakota and California.

If you haven’t registered to join your colleagues in Kansas City, Missouri, please visit the Convention Web site.

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Contact Your Legislators on Travel Promotion Act of 2007

NTA is working with the Travel Industry Association on many issues related to the Discover America Partnership and there is some exciting legislation in Congress that could have a major impact on the U.S. tourism industry. The Travel Promotion Act of 2007 (H.R. 3232/S. 1661) would create the Corporation for Travel Promotion. This nonprofit organization would provide funding necessary for the United States to promote itself as a destination to international markets.

U.S. members are encouraged to contact your elected federal officials to urge their support for the bills. Materials with specific messages you can convey regarding the legislation are available from the Discover America Partnership.

For those of you attending the NTA Grassroots Symposium next month, make sure to indicate that you want to follow up on the issue with your senators or representatives in person Sept. 25. If you have any questions, contact NTA Director of Industry and Government Relations Matt Grayson at 800.682.8886, ext. 4250 (U.S, and Canada) or 859.226.4250.

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Rep. Louise Slaughter, Industry Leaders Slated to Speak at Symposium

Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., the first woman to chair the House Committee on Rules and a proponent of smart and secure border policies, headlines a strong lineup of speakers for the 2007 NTA Grassroots Symposium. Geoff Freeman, executive director of the Discover America Partnership, is scheduled to present, and a panel of industry leaders will discuss hot industry topics.

Spirit Cruises will treat symposium attendees to a meal event on the Potomac River Monday evening, while Union Station D.C. and NTA host a reception Tuesday evening to which attendees can invite Congressional members and staff.

The event takes place Sept. 24-25 in Washington, D.C., and you can register to learn about key travel-related legislation and talk to elected officials about the issues. E-mail NTA Industry and Government Relations Director Matt Grayson with any questions.

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National Park Service Turns 91 This Week

The National Park Service will celebrate its 91st birthday this Saturday, Aug. 25. Many of the 391 park service sites will be commemorating the NPS’ founding by President Woodrow Wilson in 1916 with special activities.

The park service continues to be a valuable partner for NTA. The two groups have worked together over the years on many topics ranging from entrance fees to accessibility to preservation. Currently, NTA is in discussion with park service on several issues to improve the visitor experience.

More information about the NTA-NPS partnership is available at

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NTA is a Resource During Hurricane Season

With Hurricane Dean continuing to have an impact on travelers, members should keep in mind that they can utilize NTA as a resource. As the hurricane season continues, if you have any news you’d like to get out to your industry colleagues, NTA will be glad to help you relay your message.

Any information from members in the affected areas or from those who are offering relief services can be passed along to NTA Public Relations Manager Sara Morton by calling 800.682.8886, ext. 4418 (U.S and Canada) or 859.226.4418.

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NTA’s New and Improved CTP Program

NTA and Temple University have joined forces to redesign the Certified Tour Professional program. While the CTP was the first such certification program in the packaged travel industry, the new program is another industry first for NTA.

Temple University and NTA are developing a dynamic curriculum specifically designed for the packaged travel professional. The new CTP doesn’t just offer college courses, it provides a curriculum that is tailored to meet the continuing education needs of NTA members. The updating process began in January 2007, and the program will be launched at the 2007 Annual Convention in Kansas City, Missouri.

The CTP program was created in 1985 as a way to enrich members’ knowledge of the industry and particularly packaged travel. More than 600 graduates have earned the designation, which is recognized as the measure of quality and dedication to travel and tourism.

Any questions on the CTP program should be e-mailed to NTA Vice President of Communications Catherine Prather.

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Act Fast to Host the 2008 Tourism Cares for America Event

Tourism Cares is inviting interested destinations to submit proposals for the Spring 2008 Tourism Cares for America project. Tourism Cares for America is the volunteer program that brings all members of the travel, tourism and hospitality communities together to participate in hands-on projects that clean up and/or restore tourism-related sites that are in need of care and rejuvenation.

These projects generally attract more than 300 tourism industry professional buyers and sellers from all over North America and, in some cases, from around the world. Previous destinations have included Ellis Island (2003), New Orleans (2004), Mount Vernon (2005), the Mississippi Gulf Coast (2006) and Virginia City, Nevada (2007).

The deadline for a destination to indicate its initial interest in hosting the Spring 2008 Tourism Cares for America project is Sept. 1. Once chosen for consideration, all agreements must be in place for the Spring 2008 Tourism Cares for America project by Sept. 30. The RFP can be accessed if you click on the "TCFA Request for Proposal" link near the bottom of the event page on the Tourism Cares Web site.

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Reach 24,500 Student Travel Planners with NTA Publication

The Trip Planner for Student Travel offers a huge opportunity to get your company or destination in front of 24,500 student travel planners, as well as NTA’s 1,400 tour operators. The publication includes editorial that is specifically geared toward these 24,500 student travel planners – including science and social studies teachers, choral and music educators, principals and university music directors – who plan trips for kindergarten to college-aged students.

The space deadline for The Trip Planner for Student Travel is Sept. 30, so there is plenty of time to reserve space for your company or destination. Click here for more information, or to reach your account executive, call 800.682.8886, ext. 4232 (U.S. and Canada), or 859.226.4232 or e-mail

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Receive NTA News and Share it with Others

As a service to you, NTA will send its news releases to members that publish newsletters or to those who believe the information would be useful to their company or organization. NTA distributes releases on news that matters to you – from trends in the industry to the latest governmental issues affecting your business.

With the 2007 NTA Annual Convention coming up in November, now is a great time to promote NTA news through word of mouth, your destination newsletter or even announcing it at your next business meeting. Your destination will only profit by having a greater representation in NTA’s dynamic marketplace.

E-mail NTA Public Relations Manager Sara Morton if you would like to be added to NTA’s news release distribution list.

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Kudos to Members Who Referred New Members

The growth and diversification of your association has many benefits. It helps give NTA a stronger voice in the industry and provides you with expanded product and potential business partners. For each tour operator, tour supplier or DMO you pass along that becomes an NTA member, you’ll receive a $25 gift card.

The following members have taken an active role in NTA’s recruitment efforts by referring a new company that joined the association:

  • Jim Ashby of Taylor Tours
  • Cheryl Breeden of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival
  • Scott Devermann of Macy’s on State Street
  • Mary Lynn Hegdahl, CTP, of the Royal George Route Railroad
  • Randy Julian of Julian Tours
  • Susan Mammel of Art of Travel
  • Kathy Murphy of the Santa Fe Opera
  • Paul Nakamoto of Roaring Camp Railroads
  • Noreen Phipps of Black Hills, Badlands & Lakes Association
  • Lisa Reynolds of the Calaveras Visitors Bureau
  • Kathy Ritter of DeGray Lake Resort State Park
  • Jocie Rivera, CTP, of Starlite Cruises of St. Pete & the Holiday Inn Select Riverwalk
  • J.R. Shaw of Visit Pittsburgh
  • John Stachnik, CTP, of Mayflower Tours
  • Clayton Whitehead, CTP, of Sports Leisure Vacations

    Click here to learn more about how you can benefit from getting involved with NTA’s recruitment rewards program.

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