Tuesday Newsletter
June 28, 2005
Tuesday Newsletter June 28, 2005
June 28, 2005: Volume 25; Issue 19
Convention Deadlines Approaching … Don’t Miss Out!
Registrations for the 2005 NTA Annual Convention keep rolling in. Nearly 2,000 members have signed up for the 54th meeting of the premier association in the packaged travel industry. Have you made your reservation to join us for the best business in the industry?
Some important dates for all delegates are approaching, so be sure to mark your calendars and act quickly:
The 2005 NTA Annual Convention will be held Nov. 4-8 in Detroit. Get ready to Rock ‘n’ Roll in the Motor City.
Better Business. Better Be There.
".travel" Authentication Launches Friday, July 1
NTA members wishing to purchase a ".travel" domain name will be able to complete the first step in the process – pre-authentication – starting Friday, July 1. A link will be available on NTA Online under "What’s New" that will take members to an online pre-authentication form. This form will be available through Aug. 26 for members wishing to be among the first to register a ".travel" domain.
On the online pre-authentication form, you will enter your contact information as well as the ".travel" names to which you wish to establish your right. Please remember that for every name you are seeking to register, NTA must have paperwork on file to backup your claim to the name. This paperwork can be in the form of a business license, brochure, promotional piece, current Web site address, etc. Click here for more detailed information.
Aon Corporation Reaches Settlement
Aon Corporation, the parent company of Berkely Agency, a division of Affinity Insurance Services Inc., reached an agreement with three state attorneys general and two insurance departments to settle an investigation that began in April 2004. Under that agreement, Aon will distribute funds to all eligible Aon policyholders, as defined in the agreement.
If your company was an eligible U.S. policyholder of Berkely Agency with a policy effective date between Jan. 1, 2001, and Dec. 31, 2004, you may receive a letter from Aon Corporation concerning this matter. To learn more about the agreement, please refer to http://www.aon-ag-settlement.com/.
NOTE – this Web site is under construction and may not be available until June 30, 2005.
Strategic Business Plans Available Through NTA’s AIM Program
A key component to having a financially strong travel business is to establish a variety of dependable revenue sources. One way many travel professionals look to increase revenue is by expanding their product offerings. However, developing a new product line can be a daunting task without the proper planning.
The United States Small Business Administration offers a variety of business tools and resources to assist with planning and development on its Web site, including detailed information on how to formulate a general business plan. This business plan can be applied to any travel company looking to expand their product offerings into a new segment of the industry. In addition, the SBA site includes 60 sample business plans that can be used as examples to develop your own business strategy.
This is just one example of the valuable information that can be found on the Self-Guided & Independent travel AIM page on NTA Online. You can find more helpful resources on independent travel and learn about the Self-Guided & Independent travel AIM by clicking here. top of page
Bavaria to Welcome NTA Tour Operators
The Bavarian Region of Germany is a top-notch destination that has much to offer. Tour operators can explore this area and all of its Old World charm as part of an NTA Product Development Trip coming up Oct. 6-12, 2005.
Hosted by Bavaria Tourism, Munich Airport International and Beer Travel & Tours, this Product Development Trip features the opportunity for participants to meet and discuss business with members of The Bavarian Connection, a group featuring leaders in the Bavarian travel industry (receptive operators, hoteliers, destinations and attractions). Additionally, tour operators will go to Kulmbach, Coburg, Bamberg, Würzburg, Füssen, Neuschwanstein and Lake Starnberg.
The cost of the trip is $550 and includes airfare from any USAirways city, lodging, attraction tickets and most meals. It is open to full-time employees of NTA tour operators and limited to one per company (sorry, no spouses). The registration deadline is Sept. 1, and you can learn more or get signed up by clicking here.
Questions should be directed to Eric Berger at Bavaria Tourism at 212-505-1893 or via e-mail at eric@peekmarketing.com or to Woody Peek at 615-778-9690 or via e-mail at woody@peekmarketing.com.
NTA members are encouraged to provide Annual Convention arrival/departure information to help the Detroit Host Committee prepare for your arrival and enhance your airport shuttle experience. As an incentive, all Convention attendees that respond to this survey by Monday, Oct. 3, 2005, will be entered in a drawing for two fabulous prizes offered by NTA, the Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau and Michigan suppliers.
First prize includes free registration for the 2006 NTA Convention in Salt Lake City AND a $500 Shopping Spree at the Great Lakes Crossing mall (including shuttle service to/from downtown Detroit). Second prize is a $500 Shopping Spree at Fairlane Town Center mall (including shuttle service to/from downtown Detroit). To avoid conflicts with the official NTA Convention schedule, both shopping trips will be offered only during open times in the schedule, such as Sunday afternoon and Monday evening. The two prizewinners will be selected from a random drawing of all NTA Convention attendees that respond to the survey by Oct. 3.
To pass along your arrival/departure information and get registered for the drawing, click here.
2005/2006 Membership Directory Addendum
NTA apologizes to the following members for their incorrect listing or omission in the 2005-2006 Membership Directory. All members are encouraged to note the following corrections in their directories:
British Columbia
p. 51
There were several DMOs plotted wrong on the British Columbia map. Please click here to open the following PDF with the corrections.
The Berkshire Visitors Bureau
p. 268
This DMO member was left off the Massachusetts map. Please click here to open the following PDF with the corrections.
Chelsea Premium Outlets
p. 345
Coleen Conklin
105 Eisenhower Parkway
Roseland, NJ 07068-1029
City of Fredericton Visitors & Convention Bureau
p. 62
Currently listed under the city of Moncton, but should have been listed under Fredericton.
Escape Holidays
p. 5
Carol French
P.O. Box 191279
San Diego, CA 92159
Fax: 619-448-1033
E: cifrench@escapeholidays.com
Governor Bradford on the Harbour
p. 274
E: onthewater@governorbradford.com
Hampton Inn & Suites
p. 454 and 550
Misty Warren, CTP
755 Crossover Lane
Memphis, TN 38117
Fax: 901-374-5800
E: misty_warren@hilton.com
Hell’s Gate Airtram, Inc.
p. 53 should appear on page 52
43111 Trans Canada Hwy
Boston Bar, BC V0K 1C0
Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism
p. 268 and 269
E: mary.hayes@state.ma.us
Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau
p. 302
Stephen B. Richer, CTP
942 Beach Drive
Gulfport, MS 39507
Fax: 228-896-6788
E: exec@gulfcoast.org
The July issue of Courier offers opportunities to learn about the National Parks Service and Parks Canada’s sustainable tourism initiatives, as well as how travelers are increasingly choosing ecotourism over more traditional travel options. Voluntourism and preservationist travel round out the business section in an article by Bruce Beckham, CTP, executive director of Tourism Cares for Tomorrow.
Also in this edition, check out our Outdoor/Adventure Product and Zoos and Aquariums features. Plus there are Trip Planners on California to Baja and Classic New England, as well as Travel Guides on Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee and West Virginia.
October Issue – Ad Space: July 21; Editorial: past
Annual Convention Issue; Connecticut; Maine; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; Vermont; New Brunswick; Newfoundland/Labrador; Nova Scotia; Prince Edward Island.
November Issue – Ad Space: Aug. 26; Editorial: July 1
Dining; America’s Historic East (Colonial Virginia, D.C., Maryland & Pennsylvania); Branson & the Ozarks; Delaware; New Jersey; New York; Quebec; Rhode Island.
December Issue – Ad Space: Sept. 28; Editorial: Aug. 1
Tour Operator Spring Meet Preview; Shopping; Blue Ridge Parkway (Appalachian & Smoky Mountains, North Carolina, Tennessee & Virginia); British Columbia; Canadian Rockies & Glacier National Park; Alabama; Florida; Louisiana; Mississippi.
Autry Museum of Western Heritage – The Berkely Group (TPP) – Greater Birmingham CVB – Boyds Bear Country – Foxwoods Resort Casino – Gaylord Opryland – ITS Design & Printing Inc. – John G. Shedd Aquarium – Kentucky Department of Tourism – Mohegan Sun – Palm Springs Aerial Tramway – Pechanga Resort & Casino – Pigeon Forge Department of Tourism – South Jersey Tourism Corporation
Please click here to view the 2005 Editorial Calendar online.
The Wildlife Conservation Society at the Bronx Zoo has openings for the following two positions:
Associate Manager Sponsorship with 3+ years experience in sponsorship sales and/or promotions marketing with emphasis on phone sales and solution selling. Bachelor’s degree required.
Group Sales Manager Proven experience in development and management of annual sales area plan, staff quotas and area budget control. Proficiency in MS Office. Must have valid driver’s license. Bachelor’s degree required.
Excellent benefits package including three weeks vacation, medical/dental and pension plan. For a full job description and application instructions, please visit our Web site, http://www.wcs.org/.
If you have a listing to post in the NTA Job Center section of Tuesday, please e-mail NTA Communications Specialist Pat Henderson. The cost is $250 and your ad will run in two consecutive issues. The association will send an invoice upon publication of the posting.