Tuesday Newsletter
September 20, 2005
Tuesday Newsletter September 20, 2005
Sept. 20, 2005: Volume 25; Issue 31
Hurricane Rita Keeps Florida on Alert
According to the National Weather Service, Tropical Storm Rita was upgraded to a hurricane this morning once 75 mph sustained winds and gusts up to 90 mph were recorded. The storm, which is the ninth hurricane of the 2005 Atlantic season, appears headed on a path toward south Florida and heavy rains were falling in the Florida Keys earlier today.
NTA is dedicated to monitoring the storm and its effects on our members and our industry. We would like to receive any information available from members who may be evacuating, such as temporary phone numbers. We ask for your assistance so that we may accurately convey the state of travel in the affected areas to all members.
Please send any information or comments to Pat Henderson, NTA’s communications specialist, at pat.henderson@ntastaff.com or call him at 800-682-8886, ext. 4425 (U.S and Canada) or 859-226-4425.
Executive Program Offers First-Hand Experience
Tour supplier and DMO delegates are encouraged to invite their key decision makers or managers to participate in the Executive Program at the NTA Annual Convention. The program is designed to help give a first-hand account of the many benefits of membership in NTA. The program highlights Convention, but provides an overview of all facets of the association. As renewal time draws near, consider bringing your boss to Detroit to learn about the wealth of resources NTA provides.
The program will take place on Monday, Nov. 7 in Detroit at Cobo Center. Registration is $100 (U.S.) and includes breakfast and lunch. Click here to learn more about the program or to register someone from your company. If you have questions about the program, please e-mail Christy Stigall or call her at 800-682-8886, ext. 3579 (U.S. and Canada) or 859-219-3579.
Better Business. Better Be There.
This week you will receive ballots for candidates seeking seats on NTA’s Board of Directors. Members with a valid e-mail address will receive ballots via e-mail, while all others will receive them via mail, so be on the lookout for them.
Remember, if you wish to cast your ballot via mail or e-mail, they must be submitted by Oct. 21. Any member may wait and cast a ballot in person at your respective membership category annual business meeting in Detroit after speeches from the candidates.
To learn more about the candidates check out their profiles by clicking here.
NTA, United Airlines to Continue Partnership
At a recent meeting with NTA staff members, United Airlines affirmed its partnership with NTA, and a program will be in place again in 2006. United representative Laura Ziliak met with NTA President Hank Phillips, CTP, Government and Industry Relations Director Matt Grayson and Assistant Director of Industry and Government Relations Todd Hamilton to discuss the status of the United program after the current agreement expires Dec. 31, 2005.
NTA and United are in negotiations to ensure that the program offers the maximum value to member tour operators. Updates on the situation, including the exact details of the final agreement, will be passed along on NTA Online and in Tuesday.
Tripz Systems Added as a Preferred Technology Partner
Tripz Systems recently joined DataWeb Dynamics and Worldspan as NTA’s first Preferred Technology Partners.
Tripz Systems is an Ontario-based software company that offers affordable business management software to tour operators and travel agents throughout North America. Products include tour creation and management software and integrated Web sites that enable tour operators and travel agents to eliminate their manual business tools and dramatically increase efficiency. More information is available at http://www.tripzsystems.com/.
NTA established its Technology Partner Program in 2005 to provide a variety of technology options for members, while strengthening the partnership between tour operators, destinations, suppliers and consumers. Preferred Technology Partners must be associate members of NTA, meet requirements as established by the NTA Board of Directors and be approved by the NTA Technology Steering Committee.
Information on NTA’s Technology Partners can be found in the Member Benefits section of NTA Online.
Tourism Cares Wristbands Help with Katrina Aid
"Tourism Cares for the Gulf Coast."
That’s what it says on the wristbands Tourism Cares for Tomorrow has for sale on its Web site http://www.tourismcares.org/. The wristbands are only part of Tourism Cares’ efforts to make a difference in the rebuilding and restoration of the Gulf Coast’s cultural and historic sites that have been damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.
"Purchasing and wearing your wristband will demonstrate to friends and colleagues that you are part of an industry that cares," Tourism Cares for Tomorrow Executive Director Bruce Beckham, CTP, said. "We want everyone in attendance at NTA’s Annual Convention in Detroit to be wearing one."
The wristbands are available online for $13 each including postage and handling and at the Tourism Cares booth at the NTA Convention in November for $10 each. Show your support for the Tourism Cares Gulf Coast Restoration Fund today. Click here to purchase a wristband or make a donation to the fund.
Get Your Issues Luncheon Tickets
More than 600 tickets have already been sold for the 2005 Issues Luncheon at Annual Convention … have you purchased yours yet? The tickets are $50 in advance and $60 on-site.
The Issues Luncheon, sponsored by Destination Arkansas, will be held Sunday, Nov. 6 at noon. Come see the incomparable Capitol Steps, have a good meal and support NTA advocacy efforts.
To purchase tickets, contact Todd Hamilton via e-mail at todd.hamilton@ntastaff.com or call him at 800-682-8886, ext. 4205 (U.S and Canada) or 859-226-4205.
Thanks again to Destination Arkansas for their support of NTA and its advocacy.
The October issue of Courier is headed your way this week, and it is the Annual Convention edition. This expanded version includes everything you need to know to get you prepared for Detroit. There also is a special 16-page section on Hurricane Katrina with stories on members in the affected areas and other NTA-member companies from all over that pitched in to help. Additionally, there is extensive information on the upcoming NTA Board of Directors elections. This month’s Travel Guides focus on the New England region and Canada’s Maritime provinces.
January Issue – Ad Space: Oct. 28; Editorial: Past
Post-Convention Issue featuring 2005 Convention Coverage; Cruising: Overnight/Daytrips; Deep South (Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi & Tennessee); British Isles & Ireland; Alaska; British Columbia; California; Hawaii; Nevada; Oregon; Washington.
February Issue – Ad Space: Nov. 21; Editorial: Oct. 1
Casinos/Gaming; African American Heritage; Atlantic Coast (Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina & Virginia); Continental Europe; Alberta; Manitoba & Saskatchewan; Idaho; Montana; North Dakota; South Dakota; Wyoming.
March Issue – Ad Space: Jan. 1; Editorial: Nov. 1
2006 Tour Operator Spring Meet; Hotels & Resorts; Toronto & Niagara Region (New York & Canada); Gateway to Branson (Kansas City, St. Louis & Branson); Arizona; Colorado; New Mexico; Utah.
Ambassatours Gray Line – Autry Museum of Western Heritage – Greater Birmingham CVB – Boyds Bear Country – Brandywine Valley – Explore Chinatown New York City – Family Search Center – Gray Line of Alaska – Greektown Casino – The Henry Ford – Historic Temple Square LDS Church – Hopewell Office of Tourism – Hormel Foods Corporation – Jefferson CVB – John G. Shedd Aquarium – Landry’s Restaurants Inc. – Greater Louisville CVB – Maid of the Mist – Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament – "Menopause The Musical" – Mohegan Sun – MTR Western – Norfolk CVB – Northwest Connecticut CVB – Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership – Patricia Grand Resort Hotels – Pechanga Resort and Casino – Pigeon Forge Department of Tourism – Port Arthur CVB – Prime Retail L.P. – Sacramento CVB – Sears Tower Skydeck – Top of the Rock – Treasure Island Resort & Casino – Virginia Beach CVB – Visit Scotland – Williamsburg Hotel Associates
Please click here to view the 2006 Editorial Calendar online.
As reported in last week’s Tuesday, NTA was attempting to gather information from state DMOs in the affected areas of Hurricane Katrina to send out a release. NTA has not received updates from all states, and still is aiming to pass along this information once it is available.
Tour Operator Spring Meet Sponsorships Available
The Tour Operator Spring Meet will be held March 22-25, 2006, in Louisville, Ky. With 160 tour operators and more than 300 total delegates in attendance at this event, sponsoring is an excellent way of showcasing your destination/property to this key target audience. Only suppliers and DMOs that sponsor are permitted to attend this operator-only event.
Gold, silver and bronze levels of sponsorship are available with exciting benefits. For more information on these opportunities and to see a list of those benefits click here or contact Karla DiNardo at karla.dinardo@ntastaff.com or by calling 800-682-8886, ext. 4232 (U.S. and Canada) or 859-226-4232.