NTA announces member loyalty program
February 1, 2019
FOLLOWING FAST on the heels of debuting its Engage social platform at Travel Exchange, NTA launched a member loyalty program at the beginning of 2019. Through this new initiative, members earn points throughout the year and, as they reach certain levels, they get special benefits. “We hope the loyalty program will give members a fun, fresh way to get involved with the association,” says NTA Director of Member Solutions Todd Probus.
“We’ll award points for various ways members engage with NTA, ranging from attending events and volunteering to being a sponsor or an advertiser—things they are already doing.”
As the year goes along, companies will seek to reach one of four levels: Explorer, Pathfinder, Trailblazer and Adventurer (the highest level). There are specific rewards for each level, with the main one being a percentage discount off either NTA membership, a Travel Exchange registration, a digital ad or an enhanced listing in the NTA Trip Planner.
The program rewards are based on the total points accumulated for a company, not individuals with the organization, and the count starts anew at the beginning of each year. Members will receive updates throughout the year with their current point totals.
See the boxes below for specifics on how your company will earn points, the four program levels and the rewards offered for each level.
For more on the program, contact Probus at todd.probus@ntastaff.com or go to ntaonline.com/mynta/nta-loyalty-program.
How do I earn points?
Here is the list of the categories in which member companies can earn points, along with the values for each. Some of the categories are based on individual actions, and those count toward the organization’s total. NOTE: A company only earns one set of points per category even if they have multiple employees that qualify for individual points.

Point levels and rewards
There are four levels companies can reach through the NTA Loyalty Program: Trailblazer, Adventurer, Explorer and Pathfinder (and, yes, we realize they sound like late-model SUV names!). Point totals and rewards for each level are as follows, and a company will receive the rewards only for the highest level it reaches: