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More Business.

April 1, 2010


More Partners. More Contacts.
More Business.   

Convention 10 Dawn umbrella smallerIf I had to pick only one show a year to develop product and shop suppliers, it would be NTA’s Convention. With such a diverse representation of Canadian, U.S. and international suppliers, DMOs and tour operators, I can get so much of my work done in one place. Convention holds loads of business-building and partnering opportunities along with priceless networking.

NTA’s Convention ’10 was the place to be for members wishing to expand their market and boost that bottom line. (Don’t just take my word for it -check out what your fellow members say about it here.) 

Most importantly, join us in Las Vegas, Nevada, Dec. 5-9, 2011 for another great show!


Convention 10 Dawn signature small
Dawn Rueckl, CTP
Convention ’10 Chair

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