Canadian COVID-19 Update | July 7-8
July 8, 2020
TIAC’s Advocacy Update
- Today, Finance Minister Bill Morneau gave a fiscal update, and released an “Economic and Fiscal Snapshot” outlining the details of Canada’s current economic conditions.
- Importantly, the snapshot provides recognition of tourism’s disproportionate burden of the pandemic’s negative impacts, which indicates the government is listening and understands the gravity of the situation faced by the travel sector.
- Further, an additional $50 billion will be allocated to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), and it is expected that an extension of the program will be announced shortly.
- Broader details on the fiscal update can be found below under Government Announcements. The full Economic and Fiscal Update can be downloaded here.
- Yesterday, TIAC’s President & CEO spoke with Minister Joly’s office to discuss the ongoing need for COVID-19 support programs and additional funds for the tourism sector into recovery. TIAC continues to need data to make the case for additional support for the visitor economy. Our survey was launched last week and we invite you to provide us with much-needed data to help us advocate on your behalf.
- If you are in the meetings and events sector, we strongly encourage you to send a letter to your MP to support the Meetings Mean Business Canada’s latest campaign, which can be found here.
- Tourism sector businesses and organizations who want to comment on the government’s development of the Municipal Nominee Program and levels of future immigration can now fill out an online consultation form here.
Government Announcements
- Early this afternoon, Finance Minister Bill Morneau gave an economic update in the House of Commons, highlighting the federal deficit increase to $343 billion as a result of COVID-19 spending.
- Of this, $212 billion represents direct federal support to individuals and businesses.
- They also highlighted that despite significant increases to the federal debt, they expect the economy to bounce back by 5.5% next year.
- TIAC continues to advocate for ongoing support for the tourism sector while emphasizing our ability to help Canada’s economic recovery to get back to previous business levels.
- This morning, Prime Minister Trudeau announced that this summer the government will be developing a ‘work plan’ to address systemic racism in Canada, which will include updates to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program.
- New polls from Nanos Research show that 81% of Canadians want the U.S. border to remain closed for ‘the foreseeable future’. You can read more on these insights here.
- Service Canada has given notice that they have begun to open Service Canada Centres across Canada for in-person services.
- While Canadians are encouraged to continue to use online or telephone services whenever possible, those requiring in-person support should check the status of their local operations and book and appointment where possible.