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Canadian COVID-19 Update | July 7-8

July 8, 2020

TIAC’s Advocacy Update

Government Announcements 

  • Early this afternoon, Finance Minister Bill Morneau gave an economic update in the House of Commons, highlighting the federal deficit increase to $343 billion as a result of COVID-19 spending. 
    • Of this, $212 billion represents direct federal support to individuals and businesses.
    • They also highlighted that despite significant increases to the federal debt, they expect the economy to bounce back by 5.5% next year. 
    • TIAC continues to advocate for ongoing support for the tourism sector while emphasizing our ability to help Canada’s economic recovery to get back to previous business levels. 
  • This morning, Prime Minister Trudeau announced that this summer the government will be developing a ‘work plan’ to address systemic racism in Canada, which will include updates to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program.
  • New polls from Nanos Research show that 81% of Canadians want the U.S. border to remain closed for ‘the foreseeable future’. You can read more on these insights here.
  • Service Canada has given notice that they have begun to open Service Canada Centres across Canada for in-person services. 
    • While Canadians are encouraged to continue to use online or telephone services whenever possible, those requiring in-person support should check the status of their local operations and book and appointment where possible.
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