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Canadian COVID-19 Update | July 3-6

July 6, 2020

  • TIAC has launched an in-depth industry survey that seeks information on the use of government support programs to obtain much-needed data to Government in order to address support for the visitor economy. 
    • While TIAC understands that multiple requests for surveys may feel burdensome on industry, we must continue to collect quantifiable data about your businesses in order to show government the continued need for sector-wide support. Relying on anecdotal information does not meet government requirements to address gaps in the system. As such, we need to ensure we have a reasonable response rate to ensure we get government attention on these important issues.   
    • ? Take the survey now
  • Thanks to you, we have sent nearly 800 letters to Members of Parliament asking them to prioritize the travel and tourism sector, and support recovery measures to help tourism businesses in their constituencies
    • TIAC is hoping this campaign will reach 1000 letters by the end of this week. If you haven’t already done so, please go to and click “send your letter” to help us reach this goal! 
  • From June 23-30, TIAC led a series of regional online press conferences to discuss the need for coordinated recovery efforts. This media push resulted in extensive coverage and over 25 million individual audience views. TIAC thanks our industry partners for taking a leading role in these regional press conferences. 

Government Announcements 

  • This upcoming Wednesday, Finance Minister Bill Morneau will give a fiscal update in the House of Commons. 
    • TIAC will report on significant outcomes in Wednesday’s update email. 
  • This weekend was the first weekend of the “Atlantic Bubble” launch, and this reopening effort resulted in large lineups at provincial borders, and a reported higher amount of foot traffic in local businesses. Though 5 additional COVID-19 cases were reported in PEI, none have been linked to the Atlantic Bubble. 
    • TIAC continues to monitor the outcomes of the “bubble” and will continue to advocate for increased inter-provincial cooperation to encourage to encourage domestic travel.
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