WHO to Lift Toronto Travel Advisory Today
April 30, 2003
WHO to Lift Toronto Travel Advisory Today
In a move that will benefit Canadian tourism and NTA tour operators during the SARS outbreak, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced yesterday that they would lift the previously issued travel advisory in Toronto today.
According to CNN.com, WHO Director-General Gro Harlem Brundtland said the situation in Toronto has changed since the travel advisory was first issued. "It has been 20 days now since the last cases of community transmission, and there are no new confirmed export cases out of Toronto or Canada," he said.
The WHO’s announcement came just days after Canadian officials, including the health minister of Ontario, met with WHO representatives to make their case that the SARS outbreak was under control in Canada.
Outside of Asia, Toronto was the center of the SARS outbreak, with more than 140 cases and 20 deaths reported in the city.
For more on this story, visit CNN.com.