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What’s New

June 28, 2005

What’s New
June 28, 2005 – Have you checked out What’s New lately? This section of NTA Online, located on the right-hand side of your screen promotes new additions and features to the site. Unlike This Just In, this information is not changed daily.


Currently under What’s New, you can find a link to the Convention Web site, the ultimate resource for up-to-date Convention information. The Convention Web site is comprised of registration and hotel information, facts about the host city, educational highlights, sponsorship/advertising opportunities and the schedule of events.


Also under What’s New, there is a quick link to update your company information. You will need your individual ID and password to log in. Instructions for adding to your e-mail address book is also under What’s New. This is important to do so that e-mail from NTA goes into your inbox rather than your Spam, Bulk or Trash folders.


This section of the Web site also has an easy-to-find button to the most recent issue of Tuesday. Read the latest association news or visit the archives of your weekly electronic newsletter. What’s New also provides a link to new applicants. You can view who has applied for tour operator membership and submit any comments regarding these applicants to the Member Services Department. Applicants will be posted here for 14 days.


The last three buttons under What’s New include news on the dot-travel initiative, information about NTA Corporate partners and the discounts you can receive as an NTA member, and a link to NTA Members Only Specials.


If you need assistance with any features of the site, contact a member of the NTA Online Team via e-mail or call 800-682-8886 and the extension listed below:
Sandy Stansfield, CTP: or ext. 4214
Katey Pease: or ext. 4245
Sara Morton: mailto:sara.morton@ntastaff.comor ext. 4418
Matt Grayson: or ext. 4250
Sarah Wilmoth: or ext. 4201
Christy Stigall: or ext. 4252
Christina Horsley: or ext. 4354
Bobbie Chandler: or ext. 4254
Taryn Lendrum: or ext. 3549

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