U.S. Begins Tracking International Visitors
January 5, 2004
U.S. Begins Tracking International Visitors
January 05, 2004 – US-VISIT, the enhanced security program that will scan fingerprints and take photographs of some international visitors to the United States, is being implemented today in airports throughout the country that handle international arrivals.
According to the Associated Press, the new program – which stands for United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology – will affect only international visitors required to have a visa to enter the country. International visitors from 28 countries – mostly European nations – are exempt from the visa requirement and can bypass the new security measures.
A similar screening program will be installed at 50 land border crossings by the end of the year.
To read an overview of the US-VISIT program, go to http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/interapp/editorial/editorial_0333.xml.