Twenty Airports to be Part of Registered Traveler Program
April 24, 2006
Twenty Airports to be Part of Registered Traveler Program
April 24, 2006 – Twenty airports would be part of the Registered Traveler program when it gets under way, according to the Transportation Security Administration. The program seeks to establish a network of airports in the United States that would offer pre-screened passengers a "fast pass" through security.
TSA imposed the limit of 20 as a way to more effectively test the technological aspects of the program before introducing it on a larger scale. TSA hopes to begin approving airports for participation soon and could launch Registered Traveler early this summer.
To gain approval, potential participants must work with private sector operators to make the necessary business arrangements with host airports and air carriers to facilitate the program. Other factors in the selection process include physical layout, passenger traffic levels and the airport’s interest in participating in the pilot program.
Then, once 20 airports are approved, no more will be added until TSA finishes one year of taking public comment on Registered Traveler, analyzing first-year results and refining the program.
In a survey conducted by the National Business Travel Association, one of the supporters of the Registered Traveler initiative, and the Travel Industry Association, 92 percent of business travelers said they would be interested in signing up for the program.
The program has come under some criticism from the Air Transport Association, as well as civil liberties groups, who have expressed privacy concerns.