Travel Trade Media Recognizes NTA’s Inbound, Outbound Initiatives
April 17, 2008
Travel Trade Media Recognizes NTA’s Inbound, Outbound Initiatives
April 17, 2008 – Earlier this week NTA announced that the 2010 Tour Operator Spring Meet will be in Seville, Spain, April 16-18. Several of the leading travel trade outlets have covered the story, including Travel Pulse Daily.
In its April 16 issue, Travel Pulse Daily wrote, "The choice of an out-of-country venue reflects the association’s increasing interest in international inbound and outbound travel. It will mark a major precedent to hold the event out of the U.S., where NTA has traditionally held all its major conferences."
NTA has held some events outside of North America before, such as board meetings and Product Development Trips. However, the 2010 Spring Meet will be the first time that NTA has taken a Spring Meet to an overseas destination. As NTA continues to advance the packaged travel industry within the global business environment, it will continue to find new ways to help you understand this changing marketplace. Mark your calendars now to join us in Seville!
For more information on the 2010 Spring Meet, click here.