Tour Operators: Take Part in Canadian Rebate Program Survey
February 19, 2008
Tour Operators: Take Part in Canadian Rebate Program Survey
NTA tour operators who package Canada are encouraged to take part in a survey to gauge the impact of changes to Canada’s Goods and Services Tax rebate program. The survey, a joint venture between NTA, TIAC and ABA, concerns the Foreign Convention & Tour Incentive Program that the Government of Canada introduced in April 2007 as a replacement for the GST.
Click here to participate in the survey, which should take about 10 minutes to complete. It consists of primarily multiple choice questions, and your answers are anonymous, although there are some demographic questions to help categorize responses. All data collected will be reported only in aggregate, so respondents and the organizations they represent cannot be identified.
TIAC will be communicating the findings of this research to the Canadian government at the earliest opportunity in an effort to provide legitimate feedback on the performance of the program, including ways to enhance its usefulness to travel and tourism organizations.
Questions about the survey can be directed to TIAC Research Manager Jennifer Hendry at 613.238.6378.