TIAC Numbers Show Tourism is Down in Canada
June 13, 2003
TIAC Numbers Show Tourism is Down in Canada
Dramatic statistics were released this week proving what many Canadian tour operators may already know: tourism numbers were down in fourth quarter 2002.
According to the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC), Canadians made 41.9 million trips in Canada throughout the fourth quarter of 2002, which represents a decrease of 37.8 percent over third quarter. Of the 41.9 million trips, 21.5 were same day excursions and 20.4 million were overnight vacations. Total domestic expenses for fourth quarter 2002 reached $7.1 billion.
The most dramatic statistic came from Prince Edward Island, reporting the highest quarterly decrease of -209 percent.
Contact Lisa Nelson, director of research and education, with questions regarding the TIAC statistics at 800-682-8886, ext. 4215.