Successful Spring Meet Exceeds Expectations
March 31, 2003
Successful Spring Meet Exceeds Expectations
The 2003 NTA Tour Operator Spring Meet came to a close yesterday, concluding one of the highest attended Meets in recent years. With nearly 200 tour operator delegates in attendance, a sense of unity and optimism for the future of the travel industry was evident throughout.
From its inception, the Spring Meet has served as an important networking and partnering event for tour operators and this year was no exception. Prior to the event, NTA Chairman Charlie McIlvain, CTP, told NTA members "If ever there was a time for travel professionals to come together to discuss business issues and strategies, this certainly is that time."
Attendees agreed with McIlvain and took advantage of the educational seminars, partnering session and social functions to reconnect with colleagues and establish new relationships. Topics such as financial management, consumer trends, sustainable tourism and how to use humor to cope with change provided timely insight and information.
"The Spring Meet is important, especially in light of what’s going on in world events," said Merv Gunter of Frontiers North/IWA in Winnipeg, Manitoba, an NTA member since 2002. "We as tour operators can’t be intimidated because what’s happening right now is having a big impact on the tour industry. We needed to get together and gain a perspective on it."
Issues such as the state of the travel industry, airline and government relations, student tours and the Consumer Protection Plan were on the minds of delegates and heavily discussed during the Crackerbarrel sessions. These "open mic" forums allowed tour operators to talk about issues common to their businesses and provided ideas that can be implemented in their own companies.
"At Spring Meet, relationships are very important as well as the knowledge gained from the different seminars. Both are key reasons we joined NTA and Spring Meet exceeded our expectations," said Gunter.
Click here to view full coverage of the 2003 Tour Operator Spring Meet.