Study Reveals Tech-savvy Travelers’ Internet Habits
October 14, 2008
Oct. 14, 2008 – The Ypartnership and PhoCusWright have just released the NEXTgen Traveler(TM) survey revealing the Internet habits of self-proclaimed tech-savvy travelers. These travelers are those who claim to use the most current computers and gaming and entertainment technology. According to the survey, seven out of 10 of this type of traveler uses the Internet to search for information about travel experiences and travel service suppliers.
"Surprisingly, next generation travelers are active participants in and contributors to general social networking sites but are less frequent visitors of travel-specific versions of social networking sites," said Peter C. Yesawich, chairman and CEO of Ypartnership, co-author of the survey. >{? Only one in seven (14 percent) visits TripAdvisor while other sites such as MySpace (56 percent), Facebook (30 percent) and YouTube (34 percent) are visited more frequently.
For further information on the NEXTgen Traveler(TM) survey, visit the Publications section of www.ypartnership.com.