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Signs of Recovery in Overseas Arrivals to the United States

January 24, 2003

Signs of Recovery in Overseas Arrivals to the United States
The U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Travel and Tourism Industries (OTTI) is reporting strong growth in October 2002 arrivals to the U.S., increasing 28 percent to 3,084,789 compared to the same time in 2001. The OTTI numbers reflect a sign travel is improving for the fist time since the events of Sept. 11, 2001.

Overall, year-to-date arrivals tracked from January to October 2002 reached 32,324,671, down due to eight straight months of decline in 2002. However, international arrivals to the U.S. are only four percentage points away from reaching a level of complete recovery.

Seven overseas markets also registered positive recoveries since Sept. 11. South Korea is the first region to exceed 2000 arrivals, and Oceania is the first to register positive growth.

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