NTA’s Issues Luncheon to Feature “Mr. President” at the Annual Convention
May 25, 2006
NTA’s Issues Luncheon to Feature "Mr. President" at the Annual Convention
May 25, 2006 – You may have seen his recent appearances on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" and Tim Russert’s "Meet the Press." He looks like, acts like and talks just like President George W. Bush. Who is this mystery man? He’s Steve Bridges, the comedic man of the hour.
The self-proclaimed "Mr. President" has drawn the attention of fans and media since appearing side-by-side President Bush at the recent White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner. The National Tour Association is pleased to announce that Bridges will be the featured speaker at the Issues Luncheon during the 2006 NTA Annual Convention in Salt Lake City, Nov. 3 – 7.
The Issues Luncheon, hosted by Destination Arkansas and the Little Rock CVB and co-sponsored by Motor Coach Industries, is a fund-raiser that supports NTA’s Government Issues Fund and Tour PAC. As the featured entertainer, Bridges will give his hilarious impersonation of President Bush in a bipartisan comedy performance.
"Every year NTA provides engaging entertainment at its annual conventions. From Jay Leno and Alex Trebek, to Mitch Albom and now Mr. President himself, NTA delegates can look forward to fun as well as business at the Annual Convention," said NTA President Hank Phillips, CTP.
While the comedy of Bridges is sure to entertain NTA delegates, the luncheon also supports vital industry and association government relations efforts.
"NTA member contributions to the Government Issues Fund and Tour PAC insure that the association can continue to support initiatives affecting the industry," said NTA Legislative Counsel Jim Santini. "We are thrilled to provide delegates with this entertaining bipartisan program while contributing to a worthy cause."
The National Tour Association has a global membership of tourism professionals involved in the growth and development of the packaged travel industry. Its membership includes more than 600 tour operator companies – group, independent, inbound and outbound – and the destinations and suppliers that partner with them. The association is committed to providing business results and information to its members, while offering a collaborative, caring environment in which to build relationships. For more information, please visit http://preseason.ntaonline.com/www.NTA.travel.
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