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NTA to Facilitate TravelCom Panel

April 3, 2006

NTA to Facilitate TravelCom Panel
April 3, 2006 – NTA will facilitate a panel at TIA’s TravelCom technology conference. The event, which takes place April 17-19 in New York City, brings together a variety of experts in the area of e-Commerce and online travel marketing.

"Packaged Travel – Technology Issues and Answers" is the topic of the NTA forum, and panelists will explore the challenges and opportunities that online travel technologies present to the packaged travel segment of the industry. Last year, 59 percent of travelers who purchased a group travel package used the Internet to obtain travel information and prices. Though online agencies may have the edge for standard packages, offline agencies are often better suited to research and manage the needs of complex vacation packages.

The NTA panel, moderated by NTA President Hank Phillips, consists of Nish Patel of Mayflower Tours, Sue Arko of Free Spirit Vacations, Michael Stacy of Groople and Flo Lugli of Cendant. The group will explore questions such as:

  • How does a company maximize its products’ visibility, access and distinctive appeal?
  • Should a packaged travel site be designed to provide just information, or is a booking engine a must?

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