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NTA Responds to Executive Orders

January 31, 2017

NTA President Pam Inman issued the following statement regarding executive orders signed Friday, Jan. 27, 2017, by U.S. President Donald Trump:

“We understand that the Trump administration’s highest priority is to maintain secure travel systems to ensure the safety of all citizens, both American and international. NTA remains ready to work with the administration and Congress to make sure the reform of visa-issuance protocols is properly reviewed, assuring that security of the United States remains a top priority.”

“NTA is a firm believer that visa protocols, such as the Visa Waiver Program, are an important part of the nation’s security posture. Certain reforms and restrictions to these protocols have the potential to negatively impact the U.S. economy, and the travel and tourism industry. NTA recognizes the administration’s right to review visa-issuance protocols with respect to certain countries that may have higher risks of terrorism or lower levels of law-enforcement cooperation with the U.S. government. NTA is counting on the administration to carefully craft any reforms to these protocols to make sure they achieve the desired security benefits.”

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