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NTA Operators Share Advice with Agents for Business Development

October 5, 2010


Tour operators and travel agents are a compelling business combination. The operator has a finger on the pulse of the traveler’s needs and develops the product while the agent has the traveler on hand ready to make the purchase. In today’s economic environment where all businesses are seeking growth opportunities, NTA presented a panel discussion at THETRADESHOW in Orlando where NTA operators discussed the tremendous opportunity that exists for agents and operators to collaborate for business development.

Travel Market Report covered the session, which featured Andrew Grieve, managing director of UK-based Discover Travel & Tours; Dan Sullivan, president and CEO of Collette Vacations; and Chris Babb president of The Group Tour Company. The group addressed several key marketplace trends and offered agents practical tips for selling tours.

To help operators and agents develop business connections, NTA has secured a strategic partnership with the National Association of Career Travel Agents (NACTA). NTA operators can collaborate with NACTA agents at the 2011 MONTAGE in Aberdeen, Scotland, April 12-14.

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