NTA Opening Worldwide Markets to North American Travel Professionals
March 15, 2010
For Immediate Release
Madeline Vied
March 15, 2010
NTA Opening Worldwide Markets to North American Travel Professionals
LEXINGTON, Ky. – Travel professionals from 11 countries will meet in Seville, Spain, April 14-17 for MONTAGE, an NTA event designed to connect international tour operators, destinations and suppliers with their North American counterparts. This is one way that NTA, the leading North American travel association, opens the door for its members to new markets and creates additional opportunities to buy and sell product.
"Initiatives like MONTAGE are right on point with the mission of NTA-creating business opportunities for members and facilitating travel to, from and within North America," said NTA Chairman and CEO Cathy Greteman. "As a tour operator, I am able to create any package my customers want, thanks to my NTA’s connections to every facet of travel."
Greteman cited initiatives such as NTA’s upcoming U.S.-Cuba Travel Summit to help prepare U.S. professionals when the travel ban is lifted, the association’s China Inbound Program facilitating leisure group travel from China to the United States and the many strategic partnerships as examples of NTA’s focus on bringing multi-level business opportunities to NTA’s diverse membership.
NTA has developed strategic partnerships with special interest, niche associations so members have access to market segments like the African-American market, faith-based travel and gay and lesbian travel. These partnerships also give NTA members additional access to international markets through the African Travel Association and the Indian Association of Tour Operators.
Through its China Inbound Program, NTA maintains the list of U.S.-based tour operators approved to bring Chinese leisure group travelers to the United States. It is only through this program that operators can facilitate inbound leisure group travel from China, which is the fastest growing travel market in the world. On average, Chinese citizens also spend more during their stay than visitors from any other country.
"NTA has members in more than 40 countries and the type of business they conduct is very diverse," Greteman added. "We have members strictly focused on domestic travel within North America, as well as those who take travelers anywhere in the world. Our obligation is to offer access to information and all kinds of business tools and partnership opportunities, like MONTAGE, so they can not only meet their current customers’ needs, but also find ways to grow their business and expand into new markets."
Please see NTAOnline.com for additional information on MONTAGE, U.S.-Cuba Travel Summit, strategic partners and the China Inbound Program.
NTA is the leading association for professionals serving travelers to, from and within North America. Since its founding in 1951, the association has served a broad and diverse membership and helped them expand market reach with innovative business tools, strategic relationships and collaboration within the industry. NTA membership represents more than 40 countries. To learn more about NTA, please visit NTAonline.com/.
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