NTA Needs You — Watch for the NTA Trends Analysis Survey
August 21, 2006
NTA Needs You – Watch for the NTA Trends Analysis Survey
August 21, 2006 – Earlier this month all NTA members should have received an invite to participate in the 2006 NTA Trends Analysis Survey. NTA strongly encourages all members to fill out this survey. By gaining a better understanding of your business, your association can better serve you.
Over the past five years, a lot has happened in the industry. This survey focuses on learning how your business has changed and adapted. Your input is vital in providing this key member benefit, allowing NTA members to quickly access research on changing market conditions and industry trends on NTA.travel.
A reminder with a link to the survey was distributed today. If you’ve not filled out the survey yet, watch for another reminder on Thursday. If you have any questions about filling out the survey or about the value your input brings the association, please contact NTA Industry Research Analyst Sandy Stansfield at sandy.stansfield@NTA.travel or 800.682.8886, ext. 4214.