NTA Hears From London Members
July 8, 2005
NTA Hears From London Members
July 8, 2005 – NTA has been in contact with its members in London and is hearing positive reports. We have also heard from U.S.-based members that have groups in the London area and are happy to report everyone is safe.
In a statement to NTA, VisitBritain said, "London is today returning to normal and welcoming visitors. Airports, ports, airlines, theatres, restaurants, hotels, attractions and shops are operating as usual and public transport is returning to a normal service."
It added, "It is not yet possible to assess the likely financial and other effects of yesterday’s events on the visitor economy. Detailed work on this will begin after the weekend. At this stage, though, the tourism industry is anticipating a short-term reduction in visitor numbers. But representatives of the visitor economy are confident that there will be minimal effects in the longer term – and Madrid showed last year how quickly great cities can recover from shocks like yesterday’s."
London tour supplier, John Boon of JAC Travel Inc., an NTA member since 2003, told NTA that, "London is a strong city, and we are already seeing the transportation system, businesses and our fellow Londoners getting back to normal only 24 hours after the attacks. Many of you may have groups about to travel to London, or who are concerned about safety and services here, and who will be asking you about the situation. If you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to refer them to me or my colleagues. However, London is returning to normal, hotels are open, theatres are open and the Tube system is almost fully operational with all buses now running."
Additionally, NTA has heard from Sovereign Tourism Ltd. who also is reporting that "London is in business" and that things are improving by the minute.
As reported yesterday, NTA Headquarters also has heard from EF Explore America Inc. who currently has a student group in the London area. It reported that the group is safe and have heard that other student tours in the area are safe as well.
Again, NTA wishes to stress that we are here for you. If we can be of any assistance, please contact Andrea Richardson at andrea.richardson@ntastaff.com or call 800-682-8886 or 859-226-5019.