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NTA Chairman and CEO Cathy Greteman to Present at ADTOI Conference in India

March 11, 2010


For Immediate Release

Madeline Vied                                                                            

March 11, 2010

NTA Chairman and CEO Cathy Greteman to Present at ADTOI Conference in India

LEXINGTON, Ky.The Association of Domestic Tour Operators of India has selected NTA Chairman and CEO Cathy Greteman as a presenter for its upcoming Convention 2010 on domestic tourism. As a tour operator and motorcoach charter company owner in the United States, Greteman will bring 25 years experience in travel and tourism to the ADTOI conference attendees.

During her presentation, Greteman will share information about the U.S. domestic travel infrastructure, including how people book domestic travel, what market segments travel domestically and what form of transportation is used. Greteman will also discuss the roles of the tour operator, travel agent and the internet in booking travel.

NTA, the leading association for professionals serving travelers to, from and within North America, has a partnership with the Indian Association of Tour Operators. IATO members serve both the inbound and outbound Indian markets, and through the NTA/IATO partnership, the two organizations share information on product development to help members reach new markets and educate on cultural awareness. Greteman’s ADTOI presentation complements this knowledge and information sharing.

During her visit to Delhi, India, Greteman will also visit the Ranthambhor National Park. For information on the ADTOI Convention 2010, please visit

NTA is the leading association for professionals serving travelers to, from and within North America. Since its founding in 1951, the association has served a broad and diverse membership and helped them expand market reach with innovative business tools, strategic relationships and collaboration within the industry. NTA membership represents more than 40 countries. To learn more about NTA, please visit



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