NTA Announces 2009 Board of Directors
December 10, 2008
Sara Morton Spencer
Dec. 10, 2008
NTA Announces 2009 Board of Directors
Lexington, Ky. – NTA held its elections for the Board of Directors during the 2008 NTA Annual Convention, and Michele Michalewicz, CTP, of Western Leisure was inducted as the 2009 NTA chairman and CEO.
The complete 2009 NTA Board is as follows:
Executive Committee:
- Chairman and CEO – Michele Michalewicz, CTP, of Western Leisure Inc.
- Vice Chairman/Chair-elect – Catherine Greteman of Star Destinations Inc.
- Secretary/Treasurer – Jim Reddekopp Jr. of Fly Away Holidays
- DMO Director – Ed Hall, CTP, of VisitRochester
- Tour Supplier Director – Wayne Chandler, CTP, of Gaylord Attractions
- Immediate Past Chairman – Bob Hoelscher, CTP, of Flemming Tours Inc.
Tour Operator Directors:
- Luca Arioli of Intertravel
- Anne Davis of Cruises and Tours Worldwide
- Sherri Guiborat of Mayflower Tours Inc.
- Laurie Lincoln, CTP, of Main Street Tours Inc.
- Corey Marshall, CTP, of Anderson Vacations
- Jim Warren of Exclusively Canada Ltd.
DMO Director:
- Greg Eckhart of Travel Portland
Tour Supplier Director:
- Carolyn Chrzan of Golden Corral
Directors at Large (appointed by NTA Chairman and CEO):
- Peter Grunwaldt of Premier Alaska Tours Inc.
- Susan Iris of Canadian Tourism Commission
- Bronwyn Wilson of Australian Pacific Touring
The National Tour Association is the preferred association in the tourism industry for packaged travel professionals. NTA’s diverse membership and progressive nature make it an industry leader as the place to do business. NTA consistently seeks innovations for the services and business tools it provides to members, and the leadership keeps its fingers on the pulse of the ever-changing world. In turn, NTA members are some of the most creative in the dynamic travel industry. NTA membership represents 36 countries, and tour and travel packagers of all types, including a group, independent, student, and more. To learn more, please visit http://www.ntaonline.com/.
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