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Iowa Travel: Flood Information

June 16, 2008

Iowa Travel: Flood Information
June 16, 2008 – The Associated Press reports that 36,000 people have been displaced so far by the floods in Iowa. The Iowa River has reportedly crested, but the Mississippi River is still rising. Becky Gruening of the Des Moines Convention and Visitors Bureau suggests that people traveling to or through Iowa should check for road closures, construction and detours. Flood-related conditions are changing hourly.

"It’s likely that we will see major and serious flooding on every part of the southeastern border of our state," Iowa Gov. Chet Culver told The Associated Press.

The National Guard has been called in to help several cities fortify their levees along the Mississippi with sandbags. President Bush is expected to visit Iowa this week.

NTA Headquarters has reached out to each of its members in Iowa. If you have needs or information the association can help you communicate, please contact Andrea Richardson at, or 800.682.8886, ext. 5019.

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