Industry Effort Diverts Hotel Occupancy Tax
June 23, 2005
Industry Effort Diverts Hotel Occupancy Tax
June 23, 2005 – Hotel occupancy tax legislation was defeated in Louisiana, thanks to an industry-wide advocacy effort. The National Tour Association, the Interactive Travel Services Association and the Business Travel Coalition joined with the American Society of Travel Agents to divert this harmful tax.
Members from all the associations contacted state legislators over concerns of the taxing spread on hotel rates. NTA sent a letter to the Governor of Louisiana stating that "this new tax proposal undermines the relationship of hotels and intermediaries" noting that the tax would "force intermediaries to rethink the cost of doing business in Louisiana" and that this action falls "hardest on local, independent hotels, which rely on travel agents and/or tour operators to promote local hotel properties."
NTA GAN members also sent letters on this issue. GAN Network participants serve as the "eyes and ears" of NTA in their local areas. When issues affecting the tourism industry arise — such as travel taxes, sellers of travel laws, or access to public lands — network members relay information to NTA headquarters. They then respond appropriately to address the issue, by writing letters to legislators, meeting with government officials, or telephoning staff administrators. In short, network participants are advocates for NTA and the tourism industry.
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