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Hurricane Evacuees Will Remain in Hotels

October 5, 2005

Hurricane Evacuees Will Remain in Hotels
October 5, 2005 – More than 400,000 people left homeless by Hurricane Katrina will remain in hotel rooms beyond the Oct. 15 deadline set for their relocation, the Red Cross and the Federal Emergency Management Agency reported Tuesday.

The Washington Post reports that the agencies said the program, which is in effect in 48 states, with most rooms located closest to the devastated area, would be extended indefinitely. The program was established as a temporary measure; however efforts to house evacuees in trailer homes, on cruise ships or in market-rate apartments have largely failed. Instead, people have migrated from shelters into hotel rooms that are arranged for by the Red Cross and paid for by the federal government.

As of Sunday night, the Red Cross said that 438,030 people were living in 141,300 rooms

"Our understanding is that the motel program will continue until a decision is made by FEMA on other alternatives. . . . We were not given an end date," said Carrie Martin, spokeswoman for the Red Cross.

To read the full article in the Washington Post, click here.

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