How buyers meet sellers on Tuesday
August 20, 2019
Tuesday at TREX is appointment-free, but it’s loaded with connections. Sales Missions are state and provincial DMOs delivering details to buyers about packaging their region. Best Pitch is a series of brief talks by international members pitching their country.
Buyers brief
To be rebate eligible, buyers must attend two of the three sessions that are new for 2019: Sales Mission I (9:15 a.m.), Sales Mission II (10:30 a.m.), and Best Pitch (1 p.m.). Buyers who want the most information will attend all three.
When the appointment-request system opens on Oct. 14, buyers can request specific Sales Missions they wish to attend. Keep in mind that not all requests can be granted, as NTA needs to maintain a target attendance at every mission. Buyers will also use the system to sign up for Best Pitch.
In one Sales Mission session, buyers will attend three presentations, gathering info on three states or provinces. You’ll need to move quickly during the transition time, and you need to stick to your assigned missions. If you participate in both sessions, you’ll get solid details about six regions.
After lunch, the Best Pitch session will feature a lineup of NTA members representing international destinations—either an NTO or a receptive operator—each giving a brief overview on packaging travel to their country. As part of the audience of 20, 40, or more buyers, there will be time for quick questions, but more important, you’ll gain a go-to resource for each destination.
Sellers story
The first step for DMOs who want to present to buyers as part of a Sales Mission is to register for TREX. Most missions will be led by state and provincial DMOs, with other DMOs on hand to assist. The NTA staff will assemble sales mission based on which DMOS are attending. State or provincial DMOs wishing to lead a mission should contact Dawn Pettus, NTA’s director of events. At the mission leader’s discretion, suppliers can also be invited to participate.
Sales Missions are pop-up presentations. Standing in front of a group of buyers, you and your co-presenters will use anything you can quickly carry in and out: collateral pieces, pullup banners, branded items, iPads, etc. There won’t be time to set up displays, and there won’t be electrical outlets. Each session will be broken into three periods for presentations—20 or so going at the same time—and each Sales Mission will make two 20-minute presentations (including Q&A), first to one group of buyers and then to another.
There will be 10 minutes between each presentation. During that time, buyers will move from one Sales Mission to their next one. And DMOs and participating suppliers will be moving fast, too: either setting up for their presentation or packing up to make way for the next group of presenters.
If you are the only DMO representing your state or province, NTA with match you with other solo DMOs—geographically close if possible—and you will each get five minutes to speak, followed by a five-minute Q&A. These groups are guaranteed one presentation.
If you are a supplier who is eager to join a Sales Mission, you can reach out to the mission’s leader, but keep in mind that Tuesday is a DMO day, and suppliers have appointments on either Wednesday or Thursday—and can pick up more on the other day.
To find out whether your state or province has already established a Sales Mission and a leader, email Dawn Pettus. And if your state/provincial office isn’t attending, you can be the DMO to organize a mission. Just email Dawn to get started.
For Best Pitch, National Tourism Office representatives will be asked to deliver a three-to-four-minute presentation during Best Pitch. In the absence of an NTO from a country, NTA may invite a city or regional DMO—or a receptive tour operator—to represent their country.
Sellers are encouraged to gather later at 4 p.m. for state and provincial caucuses, when DMOs and suppliers can discuss leads and strategies.
All sellers
The sooner you register for Travel Exchange, the sooner (and better) you can position yourself for connecting with NTA buyers.
All attendees
Lunch on Tuesday will take place on the TREX Floor, providing time for additional networking. Buyers will be encouraged to spend time at sponsors’ booths, whether it’s to join them for lunch or to judge them for TREXie Awards.
Buyers and sellers can continue to network during seminars that afternoon and at dine-around and Tourism Rocks that evening. Tuesday at TREX is appointment-free, but it’s full of opportunities to make connections.