Houston Airports Cancel Flights as of Friday Afternoon
September 12, 2008
Houston Airports Cancel Flights as of Friday Afternoon
Sept. 12, 2008 – A press release from the Houston Airport System said that all commercial flights to and from both of the city’s major airports have been suspended as of Friday, Sept. 12. With Hurricane Ike still on a path to reach Texas, George Bush Intercontinental Airport and William P. Hobby Airport will be shut down until further notice.
The release said that customers should not go to the airports "until they have confirmed with their airline that the flight is still operating." The Houston Airport System also has a flight tracking information line that passengers can call – 281.230.7000 – or they can check http://www.fly2houston.com/ for more information.
Other airports along the Texas coast are taking similar measures. An official at the Corpus Christi International Airport said, even though the airport isn’t closed, that American, Continental and Southwest airlines all have cancelled flights to CCIA for the rest of Friday and for Saturday morning. Continental, the main carrier serving the Brownsville/South Padre Island International Airport and Beaumont Southeast Texas Regional Airport, also has cancelled its flights to both facilities for the remainder of the day. Additional information on flights can be found on the Web sites of the individual airlines.
Updates on the general state of things in Texas are being posted also are available at the Texas State Government Web site.