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Get Your Tickets to the Issues Luncheon with “Mr. President”

September 15, 2006

Get Your Tickets to the Issues Luncheon with "Mr. President"
Sept. 15, 2006 – Don’t forget to reserve your ticked to lots of laughs at the NTA Annual Convention. Steve Bridges, the self-proclaimed "Mr. President," will be the featured speaker at the Issues Luncheon on Sunday, Nov. 5, at Convention. You may have seen his recent appearances as George W. Bush on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" and Tim Russert’s "Meet the Press."

"Mr. President" has drawn the attention of fans and media since appearing side-by-side with President Bush at this year’s White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner and during the recent Fourth of July celebration on the National Mall.

The Issues Luncheon, hosted by Destination Arkansas/Little Rock CVB and co-sponsored by Motor Coach Industries, is a fundraiser that supports NTA’s Government Issues Fund and TourPAC. As the featured entertainer, Bridges will give his hilarious impersonation of President Bush in a bipartisan comedy performance.

To reserve your ticket for the luncheon, which is $50 in advance, contact NTA Director of Government and Industry Relations Matt Grayson at 800.682.8886, ext. 4250 (U.S. and Canada) or 859.226.4250 or via e-mail at

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