Fuel Prices Drive Consumers Online
July 24, 2006
Fuel Prices Drive Consumers Online
July 24, 2006 – AAA reports a significant increase in the number of American and Canadian travelers who are using technology to obtain travel information. The association says travelers are going online to estimate fuel costs, plan road trips and access savings and discount information in advance of their trip.
AAA’s Fuel Finder, which allows travelers to find gas stations selling low cost fuel, jumped nearly 168 percent in the past year. During the same period, the average price of fuel rose from $2.16 per gallon to $2.91. AAA’s Fuel Cost Calculator Web site usage also has increased as Americans made final preparations for their summer vacations. Usage of the Fuel Cost Calculator rose from 43,250 visits in January 2006 to 748,829 visits in May 2006. The Fuel Cost Calculator uses current gasoline prices from AAA’s Fuel Gauge Report and latest highway fuel economy ratings to estimate the amount and cost of gasoline needed to complete a trip based on the make and model of the car.
Additionally, YPB&R/Yankelovich 2006 National Leisure Travel Monitor, also says that the use of technology to obtain travel information is on the rise. According to results, 64 percent of leisure travelers use the Internet for travel information today, compared to 59 percent in 2005 and 35 percent in 2004.