E-Passport Testing to Begin
January 17, 2006
E-Passport Testing to Begin
January 17, 2006 – A live test of e-Passports begins this week at the San Francisco International Airport. e-Passports contain the holder’s biographic information and a biometric identifier. The test is a collaboration between the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, running through April 15, 2006.
"This test provides an important opportunity to work with our international partners to further the Department of Homeland Security’s efforts to put in place an e-Passport reader solution by the fall of this year," Director of US-VISIT Jim Williams said.
The testing will evaluate operational impact of using new equipment and software to read and verify the information embedded in the e-Passports. Participants will present their e-Passports when arriving in the United States at SFO, at Changi Airport in Singapore or at Sydney Airport in Australia.
This is the second live test conducted between the United States, Australia and New Zealand. The goal of the live test is to gather information that can support countries around the world in their development and implementation of e-Passports that comply with International Civil Aviation Organization standards. It will also provide valuable information on the capability of the reader technology.
For more information on US-VISIT, or to learn more about entry procedures, please visit the US-VISIT Web site at http://www.dhs.gov/us-visit.