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Did you miss the NTA Convention Web casts?

August 15, 2003

Did you miss the NTA Convention Web casts?
In July, NTA presented Web casts for Convention delegates to discuss the format changes to the NTA Annual Convention this November in Charlotte, N.C. If you weren’t able to participate in your category’s Web cast, you can still learn about this year’s Convention by downloading the audio version of the Web casts from NTA Online.

You’ll find answers to these questions and more:

  • What are the DMO workstations?
  • What are the increased networking opportunities?
  • What does "all delegates on the floor all the time" mean?

    To access the Web casts online, click here.

    If you have a question about the new convention format and can’t find your answer from the Web casts, please e-mail NTA Headquarters at

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