DHS Expands Entry Procedures
September 15, 2005
DHS Expands Entry Procedures
September 15, 2005 – In the Sept. 14 Federal Register, the Department of Homeland Security announced that the US-VISIT program will expand its entry procedures to the secondary inspection areas of additional land border ports of entry with Canada and Mexico by December 31, 2005.
The notice lists the anticipated dates and land border ports of entry that will begin biometric data collection as part of US-VISIT.
The notice also indicates that no changes will be made to the US-VISIT process or to the classifications of visitors subject to US-VISIT. Currently, US-VISIT collects biometric and biographic information from visitors at U.S. visa-issuing posts around the world and upon their arrival in and departure from U.S. air, sea and land border ports.
US-VISIT entry procedures have been in the secondary inspection areas of the 50 busiest land border ports of entry since December 29, 2004, and are also in place at 115 airports and 15 seaports.