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Despite Gas Prices, Americans Are Traveling

May 31, 2005

Despite Gas Prices, Americans Are Traveling
May 31, 2005 – Despite rising gas prices, Americans are expected to travel in record numbers this summer. The summer travel season got off to its official start this Memorial Day and is expected to gain momentum, as leisure travel is projected to jump 2.3 percent for an estimated 328 million leisure trips in June, July and August.

According to the Travel Industry Association of America, California, Nevada and New York are the top preferred destinations for summer travel. The survey also shows that three out of four Americans plan to visit friends and relatives this summer, two thirds will be at a beach and/or visiting small towns and rural areas, and over a third will be traveling with children.

AAA estimated that 37.2 million Americans would travel 50 miles or more from home during the Memorial Day weekend. More than 31 million were expected to travel by car and an additional 4.2 million were expected to fly. A recent poll conducted by USA TODAY and CNN showed, Americans say, 53 percent to 46 percent, that high gas prices won’t crimp their summer vacation plans.

Last week, gas prices averaged $2.11 per gallon of unleaded, self-service gas, up from $2.05 during Memorial Day 2004. "It’s still a comparatively small part of what your vacation will cost you compared with a beach rental or amusement park tickets," Justin McNaull, spokesman for AAA says.

Want to know some of the factors that influence the retail price of gasoline? Click here to read a report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

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