Convention Registration is Officially Open!
June 8, 2004
Convention Registration is Officially Open!
June 8, 2004 – Registration opened today at noon Eastern Time. Click here to directly access the registration page or just fill out and mail in the appropriate form that was included in a registration packet that was recently sent to you.
The sooner you act, the better. Registering by the early bird deadline of June 25 means that tour operators can knock $100 (U.S.) off their already low $310 registration fee, as well as be eligible for the full tour operator rebate of $650!
And for tour suppliers and DMOs, Convention registration is $1,050 (U.S.). Registering by June 25 means eligibility for pre-scheduled appointments in the all-inclusive Tour & Travel Exchange.
If you’ve yet to attend an NTA Annual Convention, you’re missing out on one of the single greatest business opportunities in the packaged travel industry. So make plans to join us in Toronto, Nov. 12-16, by going online to register now for NTA’s Annual Convention.
One Industry. One Association. One Marketplace.