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Computer Worm Expected to Attack on Friday

February 2, 2006

Computer Worm Expected to Attack on Friday
February 2, 2006 – A potential Virus Worm threat is anticipated for tomorrow. This medium to high risk virus is an e-mail based worm referred to as Kama Sutra. It targets computers running Windows and spreads primarily by copying itself to shared network locations and then sending itself to e-mail addresses found on afflicted computers.

Beware of subject lines that read "the best videoclip ever," "give me a kiss," and "school girl fantasies gone bad," the worm entices computer users to open the attached file.

According to Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos, the worm will attempt to disable existing antivirus and firewall software on the third of each month and also will delete specific files, such as Microsoft Office documents.

Analysts are urging computer users, especially home users, to make sure that they have up-to-date antivirus software installed on their machines.

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