Coast-to-coast Airline Delays This Weekend
January 13, 2006
Coast-to-coast Airline Delays This Weekend
January 13, 2006 – USA Today reports that fog and poor visibility are slowing flights Friday at several airports coast-to-coast.
In the Northeast, delays of up to two hours are being reported at nearly all of the region’s biggest airports. New York LaGuardia, Newark and Philadelphia all were experiencing delays averaging 80 minutes or more on arriving flights. In the Washington, D.C., area, delays are shorter, but are still affecting flights at both Washington Reagan National and Baltimore/Washington International airports.
Fog is expected to burn off by Friday afternoon; however residual delays could persist into the afternoon. Congested airports like LaGuardia, Newark and Philadelphia have near-capacity flight schedules that make it difficult to rebound from early-morning delays. Washington National and Baltimore should see quicker recoveries.
On the West Coast, fog is slowing flights arriving at the California airports of San Diego, John Wayne-Orange County and Long Beach. Conditions there, however, are likely to improve by late morning.
In the Midwest, problems are being reported at Chicago O’Hare, where rain and poor visibility are delaying flights by an average of 35 minutes. Rain is forecast to change to snow showers by afternoon, meaning O’Hare delays could continue. www.faa.gov.