Celebrating Earth Day in the Workplace
April 22, 2005
Celebrating Earth Day in the Workplace
April 22, 2005 – Today is Earth Day in the United States and Canada. As travel professionals from around the globe, this day is a day for us to remember peace, justice and the care of the earth.
All of us could use a friendly reminder of simple things we can do to ensure we continue to have a beautiful earth to travel together. Here are a few helpful hints that apply in most office environments:
- Buy recycled and/or recyclable office products, and recycle them when possible. See the small business guide to pollution prevention for more information: http://preseason.ntaonline.com/www.epa.gov/p2/assist/sbg.htm.
- Clean out your files and recycle papers you no longer need.
- Use spell check and proofread before you print or copy. Print double sided whenever possible. Minimize the amount of paper you use.
- Buy reusable office supplies instead of disposable supplies.
- Set up an area to store and exchange reusable office supplies such as binders
- Recycle fluorescent bulbs properly to prevent hazardous mercury from entering the environment.
- Make sure that you turn on the energy saving features.
- Turn off your computer monitor, printers, copy machines, and the lights when they are not being used.
- If possible, take the stairs instead of using the elevator.
NTA would love to hear what your company is doing to celebrate Earth Day or the things you do every day to help protect the earth. It is as simply as remembering to turn off a light, compost yard waste, join a car pool, clean a stream or plant a tree.