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Appointment Schedules Available at Noon Today

October 12, 2007

Appointment Schedules Available at Noon Today
Oct. 12, 2007 – Appointment schedules for the 2007 NTA Annual Convention will be posted today at noon. To access your schedule and all of the tools available through the online scheduling system, you will need your registration number. Be on the lookout for an e-mail from NTA Headquarters at noon ET today, which will include your registration number and other important information about making the most of your time at the Annual Convention.

If you are looking to fill some of the open times in your appointment schedule, consider sending a Direct Request for an appointment to another delegate. Direct Request will be open and available throughout Convention and last year, 1,986 additional appointments were added using this feature. Be sure to take advantage!

Prior to Convention, make sure to check the Message Center, which also is available through the online scheduling system. Take advantage of this feature to initiate communication with other attendees and remember to use the message center system while on site in Kansas City as well.

If you have questions, e-mail us at

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