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Tour Operators – Send DMOs Tracking Information

August 10, 2009

Tour operators, help your DMO colleagues track ROI through the NTA Tracking System and send tracking information directly to the NTA representative. Here’s how it works:

  • Click on this link: NTA Tracking System
  • Use the search page to find a list of DMOs in any state, province or country who are members of NTA.
  • Select the DMO(s) you wish to contact with information about a recent trip or itinerary you’ve planed to their destination.
  • An e-mail will automatically populate with the representative’s e-mail address. You can either type a message to the DMO (example: XYZ Tours sent 15 customers for 3 nights to your destination) or simply attach a complete itinerary document from your files and the DMO will do the calculation.
  • Click the "Send Itinerary" button.

Visit this system often and supply NTA member DMOs with your itinerary or tracking information. It will make a world of difference to your travel and tourism friends.

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