Find Charter Bus Operators with UMA’s
July 8, 2009
The United Motorcoach Association recently launched a new Web site,, for consumers and tour operators to research and request quotes from their charter bus operator members. As one of NTA’s strategic partners, NTA and UMA are always working together for find more opportunities for both memberships and this new Web site presents a perfect opportunity.
Visit to find information on equipment types, safety ratings, amenities and, get quotes from UMA motorcoach providers. UMA is made up of more than 1,100 members located across North America, with more than 850 charter and tour bus operator members who provide transportation services in all 50 states, Canada and Mexico.
NTA tour operators also will gain exposure to the consumers visiting the UMA has put an NTA logo on the homepage of the site, encourainv visitors to click on the logo to find an NTA tour operator.
For more information on, visit their site at or contact Mark Greer. Learn more about UMA by visiting